Saturday, January 16, 2016

Trying some more

I was pretty burnt out when I was working on getting the songs from last year all mixed and posted online. I felt I may need to take some time off, but I guess a week is about long enough. I can't resist opening the ableton icon on my computer any more, and I'm back at the guitar and my lyric docs again. I haven't gotten real deep into anything yet, especially the projects I thought I would be working on in my last post. I did do another version of the song I did with @FilthyZinester. I added some moog bass and some more rhythmically interesting drums, in addition to some other small tweaks. The song in question is linked at the bottom.

I feel pretty proud of getting the 12 songs done and collected. The response has been a little disappointing, the play count charts on the site are pretty low. I expected some of my family to listen or something. What I was really hoping for was some stranger to talk to me about it or something. I guess really just some friends, which is ridiculous. Why would that be the result? Silly expectations aside I guess I am feeling pretty good about it and excited to work on some more stuff.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Done resolutioning

I am calling it complete, I posted on soundcloud and made a bandcamp where you can hear if you are interested. I didn't let myself revisit songs that I had mostly done prior to 2015 so that is a small bonus victory. I discovered that I think the songs sound better on bandcamp which I haven't used before. I don't know how to continue I think I am going to take a month break then go back to trying to do one song a month. My resolution for 2016 is less quantifiable, just stop becoming fatter and dumber. Just started a running program and trying to read more non fantasy books.

For music projects I'm planning I have a song from 2010 that I am polishing up called 'I Dream of Her Touch' it was my favorite song I had before I started trying. I have the song I was working on for December called 'I'm a Fucking Bummer' which should be pretty mopey and loud in the chorus, but I have no idea for the verse. All I had was an organ and a mini rant about suicide being embarrassing. I also I'm trying to get together a song called 'Peace' which I wrote at Adam's funeral.

Thanks for listening if you do.


I was running out of steam I think, I was way behind on November and was not able to get anything rolling for December. I decided to just try and finish this thing I had floating around and count it. Sometime this year I will try and finish I'm a fucking bummer, which is the original song I was working for December. This one has some words I don't really remember what they are, something like

Said I wanted to die, can you believe my nerve
Why does this life have to feel like joke
When is it gone
When is it gone

Sunday, January 3, 2016


This one I was trying to brush up on more chord variations and sort of built around the A minor 7th thing. The words for this were improvised and then edited. My plan was to do a guitar solo in the middle, but couldn't come up with one. So I tried to add an organ, but didn’t like it. So I had the drums, bass, and guitar that I liked and wasn't sure what else to add. I did some effects on the guitar then threw a synth on it. IDK Trial and error right? whatever.

It seems like the way
She holds my head
Could save my mind
if I just tried a little more.

She said love is pure,
Love is the truth
you ever feel that way?
I don’t know I feel mostly ashamed

what’s it going to take
to make me feel ok
never seems enough
I should be made of stronger stuff

How did you get stuck with me
Can't escape my suffering
what an an ugly thing

I hate to be awake
the days are so long
I don’t know what to do
Maybe I should sleep a little more

she holds my mind
like it wasn’t all the weight
like it wasn’t all detritus from my mouth
oh take me away

She’s all I ever wanted man
I’m such a little girl,
I could totally cry
I guess I always was that way

How did you get stuck with me
Can't escape my suffering

what an an ugly thing